Get inspired by your Christmas
find out how Feng-Shui-shui can help your Christmas
Horários e Localização
27 Nov 2020, 19:00 – 20:00
online workshop
The time of year is approaching when our homes take on greater preponderance, and when all personal and family dynamics call for a deeper and broader experience of affection and sharing. And it is in this context that the inspiring Feng-Shui Workshop for Christmas will take place this month! The practices taught are inspired by Feng-Shui's oriental philosophy of living in harmony with environments, will help create the magic of Christmas in a way that all people a can feel. This event will take place ONLINE nos dias November 25th and 27th 2020 , between 7pm and 8pm and to ensure you are an agent of inspiration in your family and human environments choose_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_one of the available dates and mark your presence!