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This is a Wellness offer dedicated to catering women's needs. One of my axis of action is the accompaniment of women at the individual and group level, because the dimension of the feminine that is emerging in the world is within all human beings, but in women, it is their essence! And it asks us to update within, to act up on it.  All life aspects improve and renew themselves when this, new inner path is accepted and initiated...

Image by Uday Mittal


If you identify with the below situations, which led you to look for alternative solutions and most likely to have reached this website. So, if:

- you continue to keep thoughts that issues will go away and this it has happened many times before...

- you consider that extreme tiredness is something common to everyone you know, and that this seems to be a general affliction that disturbs you as well...

- you pose the hypothesis that you may be deviating from the bigger problems that you have to solve right now, and that you keep delaying sorting out and worrying too much which affects the essence of your own life…


There is only one chance and one time to start changing these conditions: it's today and now, because the energy that doesn't start improving will only continue to get worse...
Image by Lina Trochez
Image by Luke Ellis-Craven


- You are still not in the habit of taking specific actions to want to improve what is being harmful to your health and quality of life 


- With so much to do and managing others, you tend to put off taking individual actions to do something that puts you as #1 in your life

- If your mental and emotional fatigue is long-standing, so is the attitude of wanting to ignore it. You can even complain, but you don't know how to get out of this cycle; you can't even move forward to make new decisions that allow you to be balanced you want and deserve every day

- It has a wide range of ideas, concepts and beautiful phrases that you read everywhere about what you need to do, but in the physical reality in which we move, words do not change everything - actions are the bearers of true transformation.

- Although knowing the importance of having valuable support for your professional success, you still haven't dared to have Coaching and Mentoring for your personal well-being

You have the possibility to choose yourself!


- If you feel that your health and mental well-being are the greatest value you can count on in all your personal goals...

- If you feel that your personal relationships should be an ongoing source of  well-being and happiness...

- If you feel the need to become authentically you every day and become a memorable presence in the lives of people around you...


"I can tell you that I know all this in the first person" FH.


Because I have always been very passionate about what I choose to do, the continued states of fatigue led me to invest in Wellness Coaching and Eastern learnings, which allowed me to prioritize what was necessary to be able to be done and what is truly important to me.

When I started to know how to make authentic and assertive choices for myself, my world changed, in a more positive way. Personal change is part of my way of working, and together with a continuum of learnings and practices, it has brought me to the place where I am today: teaching and promoting unique wellness experiences to other people that have also modern and busy lifestyles and that value more their health and quality of life. 

Happy Meditator
When you feel the inexplicable energy of Well-being and Inspiration, you know you are being genuine, and others can feel it too

Start improving your well-being today

I'm Fernanda and I teach people with dynamics of modern life to develop greater connection with themselves and others by increasing their well-being and creating a fuller and more Inspired lifestyle. 

You might say: It seems interesting, but how do I do it?​

I use all my past knowledge and extensive experience of learning and teaching professionals to help them enjoy each day of life with more Energy and increased Assertiveness so that they are inspired to achieve more and inspire other too. Interested?

pose Fernanda helena
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